Get the same CONFIDENCE and FEARLESS-vibe like Beyonce does when she is powerfully walking on the stage - like she owns the world.- in every thing you do and face.

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Envision this with me:

✨ You walk into a room OOZING confidence;
not just the "I stand up tall and pretend to know what I am doing"-

but the I GOT THIS-vibe that comes from DEEP WITHIN.

💃 You are UNSHAKEN when challenges come your way.

not because they don't scare you..

but because YOU KNOW yourself inside and out and have slayed all the dark corners in your psyche and know that anything after that seems like childsplay.

🦄 You are called a UNICORN and MAGICAL because your energy, behavior and the way you express yourself come from following your HIGHEST purpose.


Have you ever heard the saying:

“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself.” ?

I feel like you're starting to get my drift.

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And perhaps you reply me;

"....but Bara,
I want to do many things, without fear and full of confidence but at some point doubt creeps in and I find myself listening to it!"


".....but Bara,
I suffer from procrastination / self-destructive behavior every time I want to go to my next level."

No worries - I gotchu.

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Let me introduce myself:

To many I am known as the money-witch, the INNER DEMON WHISPERER, the opinionated and legendary AmeriSlav and most of all:
the humble East-European-Living-In-America that get's things done with real and grounded confidence and excitement.

For those who care about my receipts:
⭐I am Bara, 36 yo and a triple Capricorn (for those who care).
⭐I am from East Europe and currently living in America
⭐I have 100 x’ed my income.
⭐I Retired for the first time at age 33.
Got bored and decided to create new and bigger goals.
⭐I Started competing in archery after only 8 months of training.
⭐I bought cars cash.
⭐I Traveled the world (48 countries and 44 States).
⭐I speak 9 languages to various degrees.
⭐I have created businesses.
⭐I (successfully) mentor(ed) people in various disciplines and niches.
⭐I created a podcast that reached top 5% worldwide within a year (Fearless Wealth)
⭐I am famous in two industries for my authenticity and unique approach.
⭐ I cultivated UNIQUE methods for people to embrace discipline and self-care.
⭐ I created an unparalleled method to get familiair with all aspects within our psyche and amplifying and growing the parts that have our best interest.


And while these achievements may seem EFFORTLESS from the outside and like someone waved their magical wand, this is not the norm where I come from or my background.
I absolutely come from a destructive and unhealthy upbringing and background.

- I would rarely finish things ➡️ I used to think I had just gotten BORED.
- I would start projects with excitement and have any distraction or external event that came my way throw me off ➡️ having me truly feel that external circumstances were the problem.
- There were even times I would create a plan of execution, tell the world about it but not actually start the plan ➡️ writing that off as lack of inspiration.

- I would do things LAST minute under the disguise of "I work best under pressure".

- Once things were going absolutely amazing I would sabotage the situation or discontinue what I was doing. ➡️ lyring to myself and confincing myself that this was for the best.


- I would "discipline" myself through it and losing any spark, charisma and energy it had because I would hate what I was doing.


Come from A version of fear, perfectionism, destructive behavior or avoidance of disappointment.

And it wasn't until I learned that certain (coping) mechanisms we're driving my car of life and determining it's direction.

Usually in a way that was OPPOSITE of what I originally was trying to achieve.

Is this you? (any or multiple possible)

✅ You start things but rarely finish them.
Whether this is the gym, an art project, the new business you dream off, a new meal plan, a skill of your choosing or new resolution.

✅ You find yourself bored mid process.

✅ You plan on starting monday / next month / January 1st / when Mercury goes out of gatorade / after you've sorted your books by color / when you finish scrolling / *insert any wild reason that isn't contributing to your goals.

✅ You do things and achieve goals but you do not enjoy them and are fighting negative inner talk along the whole journey.

✅ You are paralyzed or thrown off by negative feelings that prevent you from taking the next step towards your dream life.

✅ You didn't grow up around people with healthy habits, loving conversations or supportive mindset.

✅ When things go well you find yourself sabotaging the success - falling right off what you have just built.

✅ You get eaten at night by regrets or feelings of "should have" unable to let go.

✅ You battle perfectionism and always have this annoying feeling of you and what you produce not being good enough.



So what is "SLAYING 2.0" ?

Slaying 2.0 is probably my SIGNATURE program that I launch LIVE whenever I feel that it is needed.

On a practical level:

💋 6 modules.

💋 An absolutely UNIQUE method and way to understand your behavior and these destructive mechanisms.

💋 A golden combination of theory, knowledge, visualization, inner-research, laughter, humor, transparency and EMBODIED practice.
I believe that only theory doesn't land and therefor I use MOVEMENT in week 5 to SLAY what doesn't serve you anymore and create space within you for creativity, loving behavior and inspiration.

💋 An environment of SUPPORT and being CHEERED on.
Whether you're challenge is to become a millionaire or whether it is to get yourself to the gym / new hobby / sign up on a dating app / apply for a new job / create a new business / get to the next level in business.

💋 I'll guide you through the work with deep understanding, inappropriate humor, colorful and inspirational symbolism, aggressive love and space for all of you (the ugly and the beautiful).

What will make you SUCCESSFUL?

🌹 During the meetings you will feel relief (omg I am not crazy after all!) and are presented with ideas and methods that you can play with instantly and recognize them whenever they pop up - gaining you a deeper understanding of why you have operated this way in the past.

🌹 After the meetings you will feel inspired to explore these new ideas in real life and will not be worried about the inner *demons* showing up.

Matter of fact, you welcome them as they show up so you can investigate and explore their origins and purpose.

🌹 In the longer term (and my wish for you):

Is that you will look back at the version of yourself BEFORE Slaying 2.0 and have compassion, love and understanding for the way you showed up in life and feel excited with your new tools to take life head on.


You know that sense of RELIEF you get after you have walked around all day carrying a heavy bag?

...only to realize you have forgotten HOW MUCH weight you were actually carrying around.

You know that sense of CLARITY you get after you have cleaned a window or even your glasses?

....only to realize you weren't aware of HOW dirty it was.

You know that sense of SPACE you get after having been sick for a week and finally being able to fully breathe through your nose?

....only to realize you have forgotten how good it feels to have a working nose and fresh air blessing your being.

THAT is how it feels to slay your inner critic. Your inner demons.
Your negative inner talk.

Could you go through life with it?
Sure, most people do.

But how good would it feel if you DIDN'T HAVE TO?

What would the version of you be like?
How much more love,
How much more energy,
How much more creativity,
How much more momentum
How much more confidence would you have?


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Who is this NOT for:

🚫 anyone who hopes to be saved one day or that everything magically solves itself.
🚫 anyone who is enjoying their self-destructive behavior.
🚫 anyone who enjoys mediocrity and feels that life is "fine".
🚫 anyone who loves lying to themselves (and the world) about starting another time or "one day".
🚫 anyone who believes that right now is not the right time to heal ourselves, love all of ourselves and create an easier life.
🚫 anyone who doesn't want to invest the time and effort and rob themselves of confidence, excitement, pleasure and empowerment. 


Do I need to attend the classes live?
No, you do not have to.
The recordings of the class will be uploaded right after they are finished so you can watch them at your own leisure and whatever your timezone and schedule fits best.

What if I have tried things in the past but it didn't work?
First of all I would like to honor that you have tried things in the past and are actively seeking information that WILL work. That is extremely honorable and puts you right ahead of 90% of the population.
The truth is - our growth and the way we process things comes in different phases. Perhaps you weren't ready for your next level in the past or probably....your inner demons were driving your car of life and steering it into failure.

What if the timing isn't right?
I'd like to challenge you to explore that statement. I am of deep belief that it is ALWAYS the right time to learn how to live better, with more ease and flow, more excitement and confidence.

What if I don't feel like it?
Ah, I see your inner demons are asking the questions 😉

What if I suffer from a black/white - all-or-nothing mentality?
Hello inner-demon again. This thinking will be addressed and I will offer many reframes and open invitations to try other methods. Kind of like a buffet-of-life.

What will I need for SLAYING 2.0 ?
An internet connection, a digital device (laptop, tablet or phone) and an open mind.

How long will I have access the recordings?
For 6 months.
The reason there is a time limit is because I want you to really dive in with me and the group. Six months will give you PLENTY of times to re-watch (I encourage that) and adopt new ways that become your NORM.